Montgomery Homes

Towards the end of 2019 the building industry in NSW was experiencing a downturn in business courtesy of tougher lending practices and new property demand.

In light of these market conditions, local Newcastle building company Montgomery Homes wanted to create a TVC that would breathe life and authenticity back into the industry. Montgomery Homes briefed Engineroom to develop a campaign that would connect with their audience on an emotional level, communicating the core values of Montgomery Homes.

The key objectives of the project were to:

  • Develop a new emotive tagline for the brand.
  • Produce an engaging and high-quality TV Commercial.
  • Capture a range of high-resolution images from the shoot to be used across various print and digital campaign material.

Our goal was to showcase the quality, functionality and style of a Montgomery Homes build and communicate the relatable, warm and trustworthy personality of the brand through a real and authentical portrayal of what the home really means to us. We wanted to set Montgomery Homes apart from every other home builder by doing something a little bit different, that all audiences could connect with.


– Concept Development

– Art Direction

– Name and Tagline Generation

– Production Management

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The Concept

The best journeys always take you home.

The Story

Home represents where we belong, our sanctuary, shelter and safe haven, and while it might feel good to leave, there is no better feeling than to come home.

There is a power in the notion of home that represents a recharging from whatever life journey you’ve been on. And while they say it’s the journey that matters more than the destination, we think that depends on where you’re going. In reality, the best journeys always take you home.


The Rationale

Life is full of journeys both large and small, we journey to work each day, school drop offs and pick up, to so many appointments we feel like we’ve just run a marathon, but nothing compares to that feeling of coming home.

For this concept we really wanted to capture that feeling, celebrating the simple joy of the homecoming. It’s here that we can let go of everything our day has demanded of us and just be our true selves.

The Emotive Tagline

“Feel at Home with Montgomery Homes”

The simplicity and warmth of the line “Feel at Home” perfectly captures the core of our communication. It’s honest, simple and not contrived, allowing the moments of human connection to speak to the audience and displaying the emotion and heart of the Montgomery Homes brand.

Visually we wanted to present the threshold between the chaos of the outside world and the peace of coming home. The beauty of this concept is in the small, relatable moments that demonstrate that feeling – for example, the kicking off of the shoes, your children or spouse welcoming you home, falling into your favourite chair and letting the stress of the day and the outside world melt away until you are left happily in your sanctuary, your home.

Engineroom worked with Karl Brandstater to produce two 30 second commercials both with 15 second cut down edits aired in the Newcastle, Central Coast and Sydney markets. Engineroom also managed and art directed the photography ensuring a suite of still images were captured on the day of the shoot for the campaign’s rollout of future brand collateral.


Producer & Director: Karl Brandstater

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What's next?

A website redesign for well known quality Project Home Builder in Newcastle and Sydney.

Highly functional website redesign for Newcastle University's state of the art training facility.